Pomeranian dog jumping over obstacle

Pre-Agility Class

Spring 2025 Pre-agiity classes are full. Next classes will be in the fall.

There will be two separate sessions on Saturdays from 11:00 am- 12:00 pm and from 12:30 – 1:30 pm beginning January 25 and will run for 6 weeks, missing March 1, with the anticipated end date of March 8. The cost of the class is $80.

The Pre-Agility class is NOT required before taking the Beginner class,  but it will be helpful especially if your dog hasn’t had any formal training or is lacking in focus. This class focuses on training foundational skills for dog agility and focus and impulse control exercises. All exercises are foundational, and no agility obstacles will be included in class. The purpose of the course is to build confidence, motivation, focus and impulse control in the dog and to train the handler in free shaping behavior. Pre-agility class is open to dogs 16 weeks and above.

More information about the class is found in the online registration form at


Beginner Agility Class

Registration is now open for the K-9 Xpress Fall 2024 Beginner Agility Class!

Classes will be on Sundays from 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm beginning October 6  and will run 8 weeks making the anticipated last day of class November 24. More information about the class is found in the online registration form at https://forms.gle/qRbynQcCAoFD6KTP6.

Class Schedule:


Classes will be on Saturdays from 10:00 am- 11:00 am beginning beginning in the Spring of 2025 and will run for 6 weeks, missing the dates October 12 and November 9, with the anticipated end date of November 16. The cost of the class is $80.

More information about the class is found in the online registration form at


Instructor: Nancy Heger

Level 1: Beginner

Classes will be on Sundays from 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm beginning in the Spring of 2025  and will run 8 weeks.  More information about the class is found in the online registration form at https://forms.gle/qRbynQcCAoFD6KTP6.

Instructors: Charlie Hackenbruch and Josh Levy

Level 2:  Foundation Skills

Wednesdays: 7:00 – 8:15 PM
Instructor: Mike Stinson and Nancy Radding

Level 3: Novice
Saturdays: 9:00 – 10:30 AM
Instructor: Maureen Lemke

Level 4: Advanced/Open
Thursdays: 7:00 – 8:15 PM
Instructor: Jan Daley

Level 5: Masters/International Style

Approximately monthly – exact times will be announced by the instructor Instructor: Lauren Goldberg

Virtual Trials and Games(Club Members Only)
Sunday Morning – exact time TBD – watch your email
Instructor: Steve Martin

Class Descriptions

Level 1: Beginners

Prerequisite: Dog participants must be at least 12 months old and be able to reliably come to the handler when called, focus on the handler in a distracting environment, and share the class field with other dogs and people safely.

This class is for dog-handler teams that are new to the sport of agility. The focus is on obstacle familiarization, confidence building, and foundational focus and handling skills. Class meets for 8 weeks and is typically offered twice a year–in the fall and late winter/early spring.

Level 2: Foundation Skills*


Dog-handler teams must have either successfully completed a beginner agility class or be able to demonstrate a competency in completing jumps, hoops, barrels, tunnels, the dog walk, the a-frame, and the table. Dog participants must be able to reliably come to the handler when called, focus on the handler in a distracting environment, and share the class field with other dogs and people safely.

This class focuses on building obstacle proficiency and developing basic handling skills with short sequences.

Level 3: Novice*


Dog-handler teams must be able to safely and independently perform most obstacles (other than weave poles and teeter) and to sequence 3-5 obstacles. Dog participants must be able to reliably come to the handler when called, focus on the handler in a distracting environment, and share the class field with other dogs and people safely.

This class focuses on sequencing obstacles and preparing dog-handler teams to successfully navigate common patterns and challenges like serpentines, boxes, threadles, contact-tunnel discriminations, layering, and distance challenges. The goal is to prepare students for novice-level courses in AKC, NADAC, USDAA, and UKI.

Level 4: Advanced/Open*


Dog-handler teams have earned a Novice agility title in at least one venue (e.g. AKC, USDAA, NADAC, UKI) or have demonstrated an ability to compete at such a level. Dog participants must be able to reliably come to the handler when called, focus on the handler in a distracting environment, and share the class field with other dogs and people safely.

Handlers practice walking courses and developing and testing handling strategies. The goal is to provide practice opportunity and support for advanced dog-handler teams actively competing in Open level and higher.

Level 5: Masters/International Style*

Prerequisite: Dog/handler teams have earned a Novice agility title in at least one venue (e.g. AKC, USDAA, NADAC, etc.) or demonstrated ability to compete at such a level.

Group participation (such as offering a handling suggestion during a”walk and talk”) is central to the structure of this class.


currently not offered


Dog-handler teams must be able to safely sequence 3-5 obstacles and dogs must be under handler control at all times. Dog participants must be able to reliably come to the handler when called, focus on the handler in a distracting environment, and share the class field with other dogs and people safely.

The focus of this class is to teach the dog to work independently, and at a distance from the handler, in a fast and confident manner.

Virtual Trials and Games (Club Members Only)

Prerequisite: Must be a K-9 Xpress member. Teams must be able to safely sequence obstacles and should be under handler control at all times. Members should contact their regular class instructor or the Show-N-Go Instructor if they are unsure if they are qualified for this class.

A full NADAC course may be set for the purpose of recording and submitting to NADAC for title points. Alternatively, games and non-standard classes from other venues (AKC, USDAA, UKI) may also be set.


* Dogs over the age of 1 year must pass the Behavior Evaluation prior to coming on the field or starting any class other than Pre-Agility or  Level 1: Beginners Class.

Wikazri Events Calender

Weather Cancellation Policy

Austin K-9 Xpress agility classes may be canceled due to extreme or unsafe weather conditions, such as rain, lightning, snow, ice, and extreme heat. Instructors, when possible, will post a cancellation notice to the club email list.

Heat cancellations: If, at two hours before class time, the temperature or heat index is 100ºF or above, classes will be cancelled.

For information on field temperature, the training instructors will refer to the Weather Underground website.  When there is a question of class being cancelled due to heat, students should refer to this website to confirm if the temperature or heat index has reached the cancellation point (100ºF). Club members are also encouraged to refer to this website when planning to practice at the Wikazri field during hot days. Due to the weather station’s proximity to the field, it is a more accurate reference for field conditions than Camp Mabry and Bergstrom weather stations.