A Workshop with Lauren Goldberg
This seminar is intended to provide guidance and strategies for successful handling and skills needed
on typical NADAC chances courses (as well as distance challenges in other venues), We will review
Chances rules and typical course design goals. We will look at typical handling challenges found on
these courses — including navigating discriminations, boxes, pinwheels, and serpentines at a distance.
We’ll also look at strategies: lateral lead-outs, when to start with your dog and how to avoid getting
trapped on the line.
This seminar will be held Sunday May 3, 2024
8:30 am to noon
Event Address: 11101 Slaughter Creek Drive, Austin, Texas
Directions at http://www.k9x.org/contact/
Will be held out doors on the agility field, with shaded crating area. Crates available on site.
Working dog/handler teams should be able to sequence 12-15 obstacles and should bring high value
toys and treats to the seminar.
Limited to 6 dog/handler teams (no more than one dog per handler per session)*
*If interest in working spots exceeds six, we may add another date and divide the group by competition
$60 for working slot
$25 for auditing – unlimited availability
Your position is confirmed once you complete the registration and pay the fee.
Payment Link: Taking Your Chances
No K9X Bucks accepted for this event.
Prerequisites: Dogs must be older than 1 year. Dogs of all levels would benefit from this seminar.
If you have any questions about this seminar, email Lauren at LaGold20902@gmail.com